Specialists occasionnally give one or two days seminars on specific subjects related to hydraulics.
The following are seminars that have taken or will take place in the near future. These seminars are given in french in Quebec but can be given in English if demand is sufficient. If you are interested or if you have particular needs do not hesitate to contact us. You can consult links ot the brochures to get more info. Fill in the inscription only if the seminar is to be held in the future (check for the date). If the seminar was held previously, contact us to let us know you are interested. As soon as there is sufficient demand, we will contact you to let you know the date of the next seminar. Seminars start at 8:30 and end around 16:30. We suggest you mark this site and consult this site often to stay informed about the seminars to be held. Let us know if you have specific demands.
AQF-201002. Analyse et conception de réseaux d'égouts avec SWMM5 et le logiciel PCSWMM (in French) |
Atelier de formation intensif de 2 jours axé sur la modélisation pour les infrastructures de drainage et d´assainissementLes 5 et 12 mars 2024, en ligne et le lien sera envoyé après l'inscription